Last year we had a bit of drama with our tree, mainly because I thought we had 10ft ceilings and we have 9ft ceilings. Turns out a 9ft tree doesn’t really work with 9ft ceilings. Although, I would argue there is a faulty design with faux trees and the space from the bottom branches to the floor (WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SPACE?!?!).
Thanksgiving is a week from today and we’re pulling our 7ft tree out tomorrow (again, why don’t they make 8ft trees?!?). This means it’s time to swap some ornaments. Welcome to the 5th annual ornament swap.

How it works:
1. By Monday, November 27th: Complete this year’s 2023 KNW Ornament Swap form with your basic contact information for swapping purposes. 💻
2. By Friday, December 1st: You will get an email with the names and addresses of up to four people who are your swap partners. Yep, that means you’ll be sending out four ornaments, and you’ll be receiving up to four in return. 📩
3. By Thursday, December 7th: Be sure to send out your ornaments no later than this date! I vote the sooner, the better, because I am all for spreading some holiday magic. All that’s left to do is wait for the holiday magic to arrive in your mailbox. 📫
4. Don’t forget: Your ornaments can be homemade or store-bought. My rule of thumb is to make sure I send something I would want to hang on my own tree. No DIY for me (I am just not crafty). I love shopping locally through an artist or shop. ❤️
5. Finally: For all that is precious, please don’t sign up if you don’t plan to participate. It is less than fun to send out ornaments and not get any in return. I promise there is always next year!! 🎄
I have received multiple DMs from people worried they had missed the sign up and and others telling me they have already bought their ornaments. No hyperbole — some of my very favorite ornaments are from past swaps and it seems I’m not the only one.
Don’t forget to tag me when you start sending and receiving ornaments (#knwornamentswap)
PS: TL;DR Ornament Swap Sign-Up Form
PPS: As always; only sign up if you plan to send your ornaments 😉
I love these! it’s such a fun memory every year to hang up ornaments from someone ( usually) so far away. and then say hi to them in the comments! thanks again!