Prior to last year, I was firmly in the ‘decorate for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving’ camp. Nothing like a global pandemic to forever change my mind. We decorated early last November and I don’t ever plan to go back to our old schedule.
Our Christmas tree went up last night and I couldn’t be happier. Can we all collectively agree to disregard the strand of lights in the middle of the tree that doesn’t seem to be working? Instead, let’s pour all our energy into our 3rd annual ornament swap.
This is a tradition I did for the first time with Southern Weddings, 10+ years ago. It was always a highlight of the holiday season. No hyperbole — some of my very favorite ornaments are from past swaps.

How it will work:
1. By Thursday, November 18th: Complete the Ornament Swap Sign-Up Form with your basic contact information for swapping purposes. 💻
2. By Monday, November 22nd: I will have emailed you the names and addresses of up to four people who are your swap partners. Yep, that means you’ll be sending up to four ornaments, and you’ll be receiving up to four in return. 📩
3. By Wednesday, December 1st: Be sure to send out your ornaments no later than this date! I vote the sooner, the better because I am team #goaheadnaddecorate. Then, all that’s left to do is wait for the holiday magic to arrive in your mailbox. 📫
4. Don’t forget: Your ornaments can be homemade or store-bought. My rule of thumb is to make sure I send something I would want to hang on my own tree. No DIY for me (I attempted once years ago and it was a major fail). My go to is to look for a local artist or shop. ❤️
5. Finally: Pretty please don’t sign up if you don’t plan to participate. Nothing is sadder than sending ornaments out and not getting any in return 🎄
We can 100% still be friends if you remain in camp ‘post-Thanksgiving decorating’, but I’m happily inviting you to team ‘decorate early’. When the table is cleared of mashed potatoes and pecan pie, your house is magically ready for Christmas. I will say an artificial tree helps immensely with the early decorating strategy 😉
Don’t forget to tag me when you start sending and receiving ornaments.
PS: TL;DR Ornament Swap Sign-Up Form