Happy 3rd Birthday, TMS. Season three deserves her moment in the spotlight. 178ish episodes (not counting double dips) is worth celebrating. Time spent together celebrating the every day is worthy of a party. We’ve come a long way from those early days when I was in desperate need of a haircut and a hug.

This year, my priority and focus being firmly on the three people who live under my roof ramped up, which meant less time on my porch and more time in my car. It meant an occasional hiatus to dig into what was happening in front of me. And sneaking away a few days here and there to celebrate milestones and go on adventures.

Fewer shows. Less of my time in this season. But my heartbeat for this corner of the internet remains constant. This year we celebrated my 39th birthday and I still can’t remember what day or month it is most days. I organized my pantry and then gave you a tour.
Clearly we didn’t make through the year without a soapbox or two and there was regular face masking and eye patches in rotation. My braces came off and the circus made multiple guest appearances (including this unforgettable episode).
Taylor Swift was a hot topic (again) and (again) and (again).
We had our third annual holiday party. February brought a flood of afternoon episodes including an epic Home Goods haul with a side of soapbox. And we wrapped things up with delightful Disney Debrief in full recovery mode facemask and Minnie ears.

There were a multitude of sunglasses purchased, Lake Pajamas worn, necks stretched and faces de-puffed + moisturized. And based on some back-end data, it seems everyone also got new socks and a portable charger.
Someone asked me yesterday what has been my favorite part of TMS from the last three years and I immediately had three answers:
- Watching people make friends and connections. I firmly believe that life is not meant to be done alone. And I am humbled and honored that people have made real connections and friends through this little corner of the internet. Y’all have met on vacation. Exchanged notes. Sent each other surprise gift cards. And shown up and shown out to celebrate milestones across the miles.
- Knowing we’ve made a space where people feel even 1% less lonely makes me tear up. Life is hard and messy. It’s crazy and beautiful. And having a space to connect and ‘just be’ on any given day is a gift, even if it’s 9 minutes while I’m waiting in the car pool line…
- Being offered the chance to show up, just as I am, and share everything from soup to sunglasses to soap box moments is the most freeing and fulfilling experience. I’m not fancy (or some might say too fancy), I’m never on time and I spend far too much time in my feelings. But here in this little space, I feel free to be me. One might even say, I am fully embracing the ‘your lane, your rules’ mantra.

This little corner of the internet pours out kindness and graciousness. And has taught me so much. I know that I will be forever changed by this season of TMS-ing. Over 600 episodes and counting. What. A. Gift. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.