Hi, friend! I’m Kristin.
Affectionately “KNW” to most everyone. I fell for the cute boy (KPW) who sat behind me in class our senior year of college in 2005. We dated for a long (long) time, got married in 2012 and then moved a lot – North Carolina to Virginia to Orlando to Tampa and back to North Carolina in 2017.
I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, for a wedding magazine, a branding company and ran a conference (at one point simultaneously). Then, we welcomed babies (AGW & WPW) in October 2017 and I “retired” to take care of the tiny people for the foreseeable future. Which brings us to today.
I love any excuse to celebrate, not so secretly wish I was a co-host on Good Morning America, and am a lifelong hot rollers aficionado. Chances are good that you’re going to find a little bit of everything here – stories about our circus, my love for big hair and my strong opinion that everyone needs a good bathrobe.
Thanks again for popping by. Don’t be a stranger!